Want to start a new career in wedding hair or just want to learn some new styling techniques?
We offer a relaxed and friendly environment to learn in with very small classes, so you will have a lot of 1 to 1 help and guidance with all of the styles you create.
Add some gorgeous N E W P H O T O S to your portfolio, learn N E W T E C H N I Q U E S (or perfect old ones!) on one of our tailor-made wedding hair styling training W O R K S H O P S & C O U R S E S Perfect for beginners or those wanting to R E F R E S H and U P D A T E their skills.
Our workshops will also provide you with a M I N I P O R T F O L I O of beautiful images of the work you complete as we will teach you how to take perfect photos maximising the light, angles and details of your work (the photos shown are from our past workshops)
Your tutors are patient, knowledgeable and highly creative bridal hair stylists Katy Djokic (regional winner for hairstyling in the the 2019 & 2020 'Wedding Industry Awards') and Laura Anne (regional finalist in the 2017 & 2020 Wedding Industry Awards) Both founders of 'The Bridal Stylists'.
1 to 1 bespoke workshops are also available with either Katy or Laura please contact us for more info.